
Information related to telehealth:

We are currently operating primarily via telehealth. If you are looking for an in-person appointment, please let me know and we will accommodate this when possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding!


We understand how difficult it can be to reach out for help, and congratulate you for taking the first leap by considering therapy. The staff at Walters Counseling believes that we can change our thoughts and feelings by changing our behaviors and actively working to change our thought patterns, and will help you in finding ways to do so with a variety of techniques, including teaching you relaxation techniques, communication skills, and anger management techniques.

We also know, however, that talking about the situation is often necessary to work through our feelings and will provide a kind ear for you. Our work and personal experiences have shown us the amazing power people have within themselves to overcome even the most difficult situations, past and present. We strongly believe that everyone can grow into a fuller, happier person, even when they doubt their ability to do so.

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